Sunday, 21 February 2010

Kitchen in training

We opened our doors this week for training with all food at half price. We were expecting to have the odd friend or neighbour popping by but instead we were inundated with local bargain hunters, including a food reviewer - yikes - a bit of a tough ask given we were far from ready!

We completely underestimated the amount of prepping that had to be done and couldn't serve a single person :( A big thank you to our neighbour who bought a coke so we didn't have a complete donut of a day...

We managed to have everything ready at 12.10 and even though it was raining (bad weather means bad business) a little queue of people formed... but then again, that might just be because Christina needed a bit of help working the till!

Christina improved her till skills, but we ran out of beef.


The oven decided to malfunction and again we only managed to open after midday.

We hired someone to help out with our morning prep, but they decided not to show up, so again we weren't ready on time and even lost an order of 7 burritos* because of the delay.
*If you're reading this Terry, we're really sorry we let you down. If you still wanna give us second chance, you can pick up your order any time this week for free.

It was good practice though, and hopefully this week we'll do better!

Though still don't feel confident enough to charge full price just yet. Our target for this week is to be ready at 11:30. If we're able to do 5 in a row, we'll open properly the week after.

I can see the mariachi band already...

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